This site will document the build up of a C3-Corvette 
into a Mako Shark.

From a brief introduction what a Mako Shark is,
to the selection of a donor car,
trough the whole process of de-construction,
fabrication of the fiberglass pieces till final assembly.

We wish you fun and hope one or another is getting
motivated to follow that build up.

To keep you easily updated just check the
NEWS to get
a brief overview in which build up stage something new happened.

If you would like to know much more about Mako Sharks, just check out also the following website:
Makoshark2 Website
There you find any kind of information about Mako Sharks.
Can be sayd it's a real Mako compendium.

 1st Corvette Report             2nd Corvette Report
The 1st report is related to our Mako-gallery and the 2nd report is related to our Mako Shark build up project.
On Scott Teeters website you'll find regularly outstanding and newest infos about all aspects of the Corvette.
Scott is also a regular editor in the VETTE magazine with is articles "The illustrated corvette".



         Steven M.Kuryla
            Robert Egli

Any kind of your comment is very welcome in our GUESTBOOK

All content in any kind of form in this website is intelectual property of the autors mentioned in the "contact data" section.
Specially are mentioned here every content in form of text and pictures.